St. Vincent de Paul Society

Roman Catholic Charity in Bermuda


If you would like to make a donation, please email the St. Vincent de Paul Society

for more information.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded in 1851 by Fredric Ozanam, a 20 year old student of the Sorbonne University in Paris. In answer to a taunt for Christians to "practice what they preach", Frederic Ozanam and a group of fellow students started to seek out and visit the poor in Paris in their homes, bringing them bread and clothes, their friendship and concern. This small group took as their patron the great French priest, who alerted the world to social problems, St. Vincent de Paul. Similar groups began in Paris then the rest of France and eventually spread throughout the Christian world and the object of visiting for the love of God those in need. Today the Society is a world-wide organization of Christian lay men and women, young and old, of all backgrounds. It is the recognized Catholic Charity in the Diocese of Hamilton in Bermuda.


Who are we?

A group of people concerned in helping those in need. The work of the SVDP is the Gospel message in action.

I was hungry,
I was thirsty,
I was naked,
I was a stranger,
I was sick,
I was in prison,
and you cared!


There is no need which is outside the concern of the Society. Be it sickness, social or economic, the loneliness of old age, the alcoholic, the drug addict, the grieving, the alienated.


The members visit people in their homes, hospital, nursing homes etc. We also have a "Feeding of the Homeless" programme. The Loaves and Fishes Programme prepares and serves a hot nourishing meal every Sunday evening from 5:00pm-6:00pm to approximately 100 plus needy people at the St. Theresa's Hall on Laffan Street in Hamilton. No one is turned away.


Can we help?

The Pastor of your parish will put you in touch with us should you or someone you know need help in any way.


Can you help?

The Society is always in need of both financial and volunteer assistance. Our committee members are listed below. Please contact any one of them for more information.


St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Committee

PRESIDENT: Grace Lovecchio - St. Theresa's Cathedral Parish 

VICE-PRESIDENT: Patricia Rodrigues - St. Anthony's Parish

SECRETARY: Sandra Neal - Stella Maris Parish
TREASURER: Helen Gillis-Cooze - St. Theresa's Cathedral Parish

CHAPLAIN: Deacon Matthew Arnold - St. Patrick's Parish


Tommy Sinclair - St. Theresa’s Cathedral Parish
Daphne DeSilva - St. Theresa’s Cathedral Parish 

Joanne Judd - St. Theresa's Cathedral Parish

Vanessa Turner - St. Theresa's Cathedral Parish